Funding: 1.6 million euros

Programme: Interreg Atlantic Area, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Status: CLOSED

Fisheries management through a platform of governance that associates professional, scientific sectors and NGOs. Channeled through the South Western and North Western Regional Advisory Councils, Gepeto combines stakeholders’ resources and capabilities to improve the bio-socio-economical sustainability of long term fisheries management plans in the AA.

Keywords: Fisheries, Atlas, Management Plans, Sustainability





Risk, vulnerability and resilience

Trade and supply chains

Marine regions

Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast

Celtic Sea

North-East Atlantic Sea

Related issues

Fishing and aquaculture



Societal challenges

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine maritime and inland water research and bioeconomy

Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

Type of stakeholders involved

Scientists and Research Organization

Local Administrations and Municipalities

Policy Makers organization and Implementers

RRI Dimensions


Gender equality


Open access

Public engagement

Science education

Name Family name Email Organization Country
Not available Not available Not available Centro Tecnologico del Mar - Fundaciòn CETMAR Spain
Name Family name Email Organization Country
Not available Not available Not available Centro Tecnologico del Mar - Fundaciòn CETMAR Spain
Not available Not available Not available Conseil Consultatif Régional pour les eaux occidentales australes (CCR Sud) France
Not available Not available Not available Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER) France
Not available Not available Not available Fundación AZTI Spain
Not available Not available Not available INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA (IEO) Spain
Not available Not available Not available Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos – IPIMAR Portugal
Not available Not available Not available Marine Institute Ireland
Not available Not available Not available Universidade dos Açores (UAç) Portugal
Not available Not available Not available Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais / Direcção Regional de Pescas Portugal
Not available Not available Not available North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) Ireland
Not available Not available Not available Xunta de Galicia - Conselleria do Mar Spain

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WHAT DID THE PROJECT PRODUCE THAT IS RELATED TO RRI? What are the most RRI relevant outputs from the project (roadmaps, guidelines documents, reports, articles, videos, etc)

Title Achievements
Description The challenges that the partners in the GEPETO project were confronted with included laying down a commonly agreed roadmap and making proposals for the implementation of the long-term management plans, developing a common governance model which optimises collaboration between the parties involved, collecting proposals for the future from the professionals, and drawing up a fisheries Atlas. All this was aimed at improving knowledge of the fisheries, not only by collecting data, but also by incorporating the knowledge and know-how of the professionals, and the opinions of all interested parties (the scientists, the administrations, the fishing sector and the NGOs). To take up the challenges of the project, we selected seven representative case studies from several fisheries to which the Spanish, French, Portuguese and Irish fleets are attached. Once these fisheries had been selected, we worked with a common methodology, so that this work could subsequently serve to develop the management of the other fisheries. During the project, the partners who took part (CETMAR, SWW RAC, IFREMER, AZTI-Tecnalia, IPMA, IEO, Marine Institute and CC-ANOC) produced a large number of reports. All the information obtained is available on the project website . The Fisheries Atlas can also be consulted and it is possible to participate by making testimonies or giving your opinion in various forms or by filling in an assessment survey under the heading entitled “Participative module” on the website. All these testimonies will be collected on a collaborative map. Future challenges The common fisheries policy (CFP) shows the way to achieve sustainability thanks to the long-term management plans, and in the coming years, it will be necessary to work in a collaborative manner. The partners in the GEPETO project have opened the way, and for the final Conference, it is planned to continue in this vein. Thus, the representatives of fishing organisations in the south of Europe, the partners in the project, the national and regional administrations, the NGOs and the public at large will be able to explore strategic topics necessary for long term planning and for the development of sustainable fishing that guarantee the preservation of resources and of fishing as an economic activity that generates wealth and opportunities in the coming years.
Other type Achievements

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