GREAM is a research group whose purpose is to investigate whether and how marine environmental education is addressed in schools and in other educational contexts, to study approaches and tools to disseminate marine environmental education and to make people love the sea because it is believes that the affective appropriation of a space is the initial step towards its understanding and care.

  • Consorzio Tiberina

    Consorzio Tiberina

  • Ora del mare

    Ora del mare

  • BGC

    Blue Growth is a thematic community of the Interreg MED programme. Its specific objective is to reinforce the joint work between marine and maritime clusters and networks across Mediterranean countries in order to create innovative solutions to unlock the sustainable potential of a healthy and productive sea.


    The Mediterranean Innovation Alliance is intended as an open platform to enhance and streamline efforts ongoing both at transnational and territorial levels to build on innovation to move towards sustainable development in blue bioeconomy. The Alliance has a twofold nature: 1.Network/coalition of organisations sharing from different perspective the same interest and commitment to promote blue bioeconomy sustainable development across Mediterranean; 2.Community of people, directly involved in the Alliance activities, feeding the discussion, stimulating networking, animating the activities on a voluntarily basis.

  • B-BLUE

    The Blue Biotechnology Community of the B-Blue project is a thematic community created with the specific objective of being the basis for a coordination framework in the Blue Biotechnology sector in the Med area to improve its governance dynamics in order to: support the connection among its members, favour the eco-innovation path from reaserach to the market in the sector and pave the way for a coordination among the regional structural funds addressed to the Blue Biotechonologies in the Mediterranean.

  • OMM

    The OMM, Osservatorio del Mare a Molfetta (Molfetta Sea Observatory), is an association of voluntary citizens that promotes participatory monitoring of the marine and coastal environment, i.e. a system of study and control of the territory that directly involves the local population. In fact, citizens are the best observers, both during the systematic collection of data and in the subsequent phases of formulation of management plans aimed at the eco-sustainable development of the territory.


    The GRRIP community is a community of interest with the goal to promote Responsible Research and Innovation in the Marine and Maritime sector. GRRIP aspires to include citizens, and interested individuals from the following sectors to form an active and engaged community: • Universities, and Higher Educational Institutions • Research Performing Organisations • Research Funding Organisations • Industries, private sector, and SMEs • Civil Society Organisations • Other EU-funded and nationally funded Projects • Policy makers The GRRIP community aims to: 1. foster a sustainable exploitation of marine resources (e.g., marine energy, fish and sea food); 2. facilitate embedding responsible research and innovation policies and practices in organisations. Features of the MARINA platform: • sharing results and experiences from the current and past projects with online discussions and chats; • having access to good practices and lessons learned in the area of M&M research, RRI, Open Science); • designing and launching surveys using the web-form (designed similar to Google forms); • using the working spaces made available in the platform for discussions, for sharing working documents and for a proactive and participatory approach to training (webinars or online participatory events, educational videos); • event organisation (using the video conferencing feature made available in the platform, ability to live stream on YouTube) for engaging citizens and wider societal stakeholders; • digital libraries for collecting and sharing useful documents by the different stakeholders. For example, organisations could create one or more digital library that they can use for sharing their documents on laws and regulations, documents aiming to improve the collective awareness about Marine & Maritime challenges, etc.


    The BLUEMED Project funded under H2020-EU.3.2. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy (Grant agreement ID: 727453), and its community is related to Coordination and Support Action for the exploitation of the BLUEMED Research and Innovation Initiative for blue jobs and growth in the Mediterranean area, with particular reference to the implementation of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). It organizes the work of the thematic platforms, promotes coordination among blue economy actors and among the Mediterranean countries, and deals with all the practical details of the Inititiative’s activity.


    The project H2O will create new tools to analyse and manage spatial and geographic data. It will implement evidence-based Natural Flood (NFM) & Drought (NDM) management, which will reduce public money spent on managing water issues in the Channel area.


    MISTRAL aims at boosting the Blue Growth sector in the MED area through an open innovation approach, since it recognizes that today the current innovation performance in this sector is behind the EU average and there is a lack of transnational cooperation. We aim to strengthen a transnational partnership in order to: make marine knowledge and sustainable innovation the key drivers for Blue Growth, support MED clusters to become an excellent intermediary of knowledge for increasing blue economy, design and implement sustainable development trajectories harmonized with the MED regions Smart Specialization Strategies. We have the ambition to develop a wider governance vision towards 2022 in the Blue Growth sector providing an effective policy mainstreaming and to be the Blue Innovation wind in the MED area by unlocking the innovation potentials of the Blue Ecosystem.


    TASCMAR is a collaborative research project funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme and aspires to develop new tools and strategies to overcome existing bottlenecks in the discovery and application of marine-derived biomolecules, with a focus on the theme of anti-ageing. From exploring the possibility for new medical drugs without harmful side effects, nutraceuticals (e.g., dietary supplements) and cosmetic products to developing technologies for bioremediation, TASCMAR investigates the potential of the underutilized mesophotic zone of the ocean (between 30 and 100 meters depth) and develops innovative approaches for the cultivation and extraction of marine invertebrates and symbionts from lab to pilot-scale. TASCMAR is part of the EU Blue Growth Strategy, aiming to unlock the potential of seas, oceans and coasts for sustainable growth. The project will be closely monitored for its socio-economic and environmental impacts so as to ensure sustainability while promoting economic growth.


    The MARINA proposal overall aim is to create an all-inclusive Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) catalysing and organising the convergence of already existing networks, communities, on-line platforms and services providing an online socio-technical environment that facilitates and stimulates the direct engagement of researchers, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), citizens, industry stakeholders, policy and decision makers, research funders and communicators for improving Responsible Research and Innovation. In particular, the project will establish, curate and experiment a Responsible Research and Innovation platform involving societal actors working together during the whole research and innovation process for aligning better both the process and its outcomes, with the values, needs and expectations of European society, integrating citizens visions, needs and desires into science and innovation, promoting RRI with focus on marine issues and pressures that have important effects on the European societies. The project activities and outcomes, even if connected with marine research field, will define this systematic approach in order to make it transferable and reproducible for any RRI thematic domain. All project results and activities will be extrapolated from the RRI marine field to general RRI and broadly disseminated. The expected outcome of the Work Programme is a clear improvement of the integration of society in science and innovation. The MARINA project will follow this strategic line of “strengthening and facilitating” the capacity of the research and innovation to align and integrate the social needs through a suitable knowledge sharing platform and federating activities.


    The overall aim of OCEAN4BIOTECH is to bring together experts in the field of marine biotechnology, to provide a platform for sharing experience, knowledge and technologies and to design a roadmap for a more efficient and rapid development of marine biotechnology research in Europe and beyond. To best of our knowledge, such a large, diverse and geographically dispersed network of experts in marine biotechnology does not exist. Since marine biotechnology is still in its infancy, we believe this is the optimal timing to create this efficient, operational, motivated, inclusive and sustainable network with a serious and ambitious commitment for proactive dissemination and science communication activities. If you would like to join this COST Action please ensure that you read the guidance notes published on the COST website.


    The BLUEAIR project aims at enhancing the institutional capacities of ADRION countries and regions in the definition of a common approach towards the implementation of the S3 policy on Sustainable Blue Economy at macro-regional level. Based on the Community Manifesto, the BLUEAIR Innovation Community is meant to be a strategic network of quadruple helix players sharing the long-term goal of coordinating initiatives and cooperating to the definition of new common actions for pushing a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Adriatic-Ionian area. One of the Community assets is the Database of blue transregional solutions (, enabling the transregional matchmaking between providers/seekers of blue technical solutions with a transregional impact. The BLUEAIR project (Blue Growth Smart Adriatic Ionian S3 – BLUEAIR is financed by the Interreg ADRION Programme 2014-2020 and will end in July 2023.


    The WINBLUE community is a community established within the project “WINBLUE - Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy”, receiving funding by European Union, from the EMFAF programme under the grant agreement number 101112278. This community aims to facilitate knowledge sharing enhancing the dissemination of results, and collaboration between the different stakeholders with respect to Events, Good practices, Courses, Gender equality plan frameworks, Working groups. The WINBLUE is an interconnected virtual community to implement the engagement strategy and to provide tools for knowledge sharing and networking. WINBLUE will also benefit from the results of R&I Peers and ATHENA projects and in particular from a flexible tool to define and monitor GEPs within an organisation by specifying actions, indicators and targets.